Sunday, May 30, 2010

Question... Josh!

Wildcard bitches!

Hey its josh? Toro told me if I didn't write a hello to you all, he'll have to beat me up and sleep with my mom.... again! But you know what, I'm not afraid of just 1 of the Sticky Bandit members, but the other 4 scare me when they get together. Thats the main reason they ran me out of town, and that town was called Philly. Yes I'm out here in Los Angeles, all alone, cold and scarred. Wrap your mind around this...I even saw a naked homeless man today, naked... butt cheeks in all! YIKES!

So whats on your mind? Would you like to talk about it? But please make an appointment, don't come a knocking all willy nilly!



Friday, May 28, 2010

Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock

Hello! It's time to introduce myself! Tick Tock - more commonly dubbed as Ticky! from friends and supporters in Philadelphia. Proud to be the only female member of the TSB collective, I feel very lucky to be a part of this group because they are good friends and kickass artists. I have always been very creative, but my inspiration to join in the stickering world came from my brother UWP. Together we have been stickering, drawing, painting, trading, collabing, meeting new people, starting new events, and participating in art shows around the world for almost 6 years now. What the future brings, who knows, but its a fun ride, and I hope y'all enjoy the show!


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

.UWP.. must die!

I guess i'm supposed to say Hello now.
My name is UWP, short for UnderWaterPirates.
A lot of people put Under and Water together, and then Pirates,
but it was originally intended to be all one word with UWP in capitals.
I'm over it though. Whatever works for ya is fine.
So yeah, stickers - pretty much the best idea ever in my opinion.
Writers, posters, whatever ya do, I respect that.
I figure it's our planet, so ya might as well leave your mark wherever you go.
Screw it, we ain't hurting nothing.



What's going on!! I figured I would show all you visitors my work space. Not many of you know much about me, well here is a pretty good look inside. It is usually much messier, so you got it on a good day.

As far as Im concerned, the "Sticky Bandits" 2010 TRADEMARK TM R COPYRIGHT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED! (just messing around, but seriously, at least a TM after that would be cool) represents artists who paved the way for the Philadelphia Sticker Art scene and even influencing the movement across the US and World! I am glad to be a member. Pay attention as we are always busy cookin' up ideas, always making stickers, and making art.



Whats up fellas? EL TORO here and wanted to introduce myself to the blog. I am one of the five founding members of Sticky Bandits. We have some exciting projects lined up this Summer that we will be sharing on this blog. It's kinda rough around the edges right now, but we are constantly updating and changing the blog.

For now here are some exclusive WIP shots for my show July 10 @ Abakus Takeout. Thanks for checking out the blog and keep checking for more updates. You can also check out my own blog here.



About us

This is the blog of the Sticky Bandits. We have established our names on and off the streets independently for several years. We now have joined forces and together we are going further than what we could achieve independently. By reading this blog you are going to be the lucky ones that witness the life and grimes of our crew.

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